Top Quality and Durable Cutting Lily

Our greenhouse is built on an area of 40,000 square meters and is heated with geothermal energy. We grow the most beautiful lily bulbs that we bought specially from the Netherlands and make them ready for wholesale.

Who Are We and What Do We Do?

As Lilies&Co, we have been continuing the cultivation of various products professionally for 4 years by investing in Geothermal Greenhouse in Turkey.

Our greenhouse is built on an area of 40,000 square meters and is heated with geothermal energy. We grow the most beautiful lily bulbs that we bought specially from the Netherlands and make them ready for wholesale. Today, as Lilies&Co, we only produce lilies in our 40,000 square meter geothermal greenhouse. We produce 15 different types of lilies in total, and these lilies vary in color and size. Lilies&Co is among the largest lily growers in Turkey and continues to grow day by day. It exports lilies wholesale to many countries, especially Europe and the Russia.

Among the 15 different lily varieties are Roselily Mikaela, Roselily Dalinda, Roselily Celina, Roselily Angela, Roselily Aisha, Zambesi, Touchstone, Premium Blond, Nova Zembla, Santander, Tarrango, Frontera, Redford, Tabledance and Tisento. These lily varieties differ in color, size, and harvest time. Lilies&Co wants to grow more lily species in the future and make them ready for wholesale with a different product range.

Today, as EMG Tarım, we only produce lilies in our 40,000 square meter geothermal greenhouse. We produce 15 different types of lilies in total, and these lilies vary in color and size.

We are Producing Lily

Lilies&Co blup icon


At first look, you can see double flowering cultivars which is a significant reason for to named Roselily.

Lilies&Co flower icon with selecting blubs


We produce the most preferred ones of the highest quality among 8 different types of lilies in the world.

Lilies&Co flower icon

Wholesale Lily and Roselily

We supply our lily production to retail florists and organizers by wholesale.

Lilies only grow under certain climatic conditions. As Lilies&Co, it provides the climatic conditions needed by lilies in its greenhouse operating with geothermal heating in Turkey. When lilies are ready for harvest, they are cut and distributed to florists around the world for retail sale, investing in a variety of agricultural research during distribution to give the lilies longer life and increase their retail sale time.

As Lilies&Co, it produces with geothermal energy, which is renewable energy, and serves as a self-sufficient facility with solar energy, which is also a renewable energy source. It tries to use renewable energy resources at the maximum level in order to reduce its carbon footprint to zero and to show its respect for nature.

Lilies&Co, which has brought the product quality to the maximum level by providing elbow contact with national or international companies that are pioneers in lily cultivation. Today, it aims at maximum quality in new products by examining the test results of world-famous lily bulb growers.

As Lilies&Co, we have 28 employees who are specialized in their fields and have received the necessary training certificates, and receive consultancy from the agriculture departments of various universities. Occupational safety is implemented at the highest level in the facility and the accident rate at the workplace of the employees is minimized. With different retail customers from different countries, Turkey's largest wholesale lily producer Lilies&Co continues to produce and serve with an understanding of quality and sustainability.

As Lilies&Co, we are working to minimize our carbon footprint. We produce our own energy with solar energy panels in our 40,000 square meter geothermal greenhouse facility. In addition, we take care to be a more efficient facility and environmentally friendly by collecting rain water and using it for the irrigation of the lilies we grow.

You can contact us through our communication channels to get detailed information about our wholesale lily varieties of different colors, each more beautiful than the other. Our friends in the Sales & Marketing department will get back to you as soon as possible. As florists, you want to put your best quality lily varieties on your counters, and you can choose Lilies&Co to offer high quality products to your customers.

Lily Production

Lily production in a 40,000 square meter geothermal greenhouse

Wholesale Lilies

We Sell Top Quality Lilies For Retail Sale To Florists, Organizers and etc.

Online Support

We Are Here For Your Curiosities or Questions About Lilies.


We can send our Roselily and Lily products to Europe and America.