Top Quality and Durable Cutting Lily

February 20, 2023

Lilies of Turkey

There are 7 species of the Liliaceae recognised in Turkey. These are Lilium Akkusianum, Lilium Ciliatum, Lilium Candidum, LiliumCarniolicum, Lilium Monadelphum, Lilium Kesselringianum and Lilium Martagon. There is 2 subspecies of Lilium Carniolicum which are Ponticum and Artvinense. Lilium Monadelphum is also have 2 subspecies that are Szovitsianum and Armenum. We are going to focus on these species and examined them in details on this blog page.

Lilium Carniolicum

It has a very wide range of colors running from red to yellow. The color can vary among the growing locations. Lilium Carniolicum commonly called Golden Apple Lily or Carniolan Lily, is a lily native toBalkans also growing in Turkey. The species is named after the historical region of Carniola which is called as Kranjska in Slovenia.

Distribution areas of L. Carniolicum are Trabzon, Rize and Artvin in Turkey. These species have high potential for use as ornamental plants with their colorful big flowers. This specie costantly have been usingin Cosmetic and Pharma Industry. The size of Carniolicum may reach up to 40 cm tall. Bloom time range is between early summer to mid summer. In Turkish it may call “Altın Elma Zambağı” and “Karniyol Zambağı”.

Photo by Meneerke bloem (CC BY-SA 3.0) taken from Wikipedia

Lilium Monadelphum

This is one of a rare species from Turkey with tall and upright stems are carrying yellow flowers. The stems are reach about 1.2 cm tall. Monadelphum is a clump forming perennial with yellow turks cap shaped flowers have red freckles.

Caucasian Lily, Szovitisanum (Szovitsanum) Lily are the common names given to Lilium Monadelphum, called as “Bey Zambağı” in Turkish,grown in eastern of Black Sea. Armenum subspecies grown in Erzurum also.

Photo by Arnold Trachtenberg (CC BY-SA 3.0) taken from Wikipedia

Lilium Kesselringianum

This lily was discovered by the botanist Georg Jurij Nikolae witch Woronow in 1909, in Georgia. In Turkey, L. Kesselringianum extends around 4,000 km² area, in northeastern areas like Artvin, Ardahan and Erzurum.This specie assigned as Endangered Status (EN) of IUCN’s (The InternationalUnion for Conservation) Nature’s Red List. It also included in the Red List of the Russian Federation.

Lilium Kesselringianum has a pale yellow bell flowers have 5-15 petals, spotted inside gets 6-8 cm diameter, stem reaches up to 200cm. The flower buds are cream or greenish yellow. In Turkish it may call as“Kaf Zambağı”, “Kafkas Zambağı” or “Artvin Zambağı”

Photo by Chris Freeland, Missouri Botanical Garden (CC BY-SA2.5) taken from Wikipedia

Lilium Martagon

Lilium Martagon is an eye-catcher lily, whose natural spreadcovers wide areas of Eurasia. This lily has purple-dark red (occasionallywhite) color, 4-5 cm wide. Height of this flower reaches between 70-150 cm.

Morphology of this lily calling as Turk’s Cap Shapewhich also give its name “Martagon” is ancient name in Ottoman Turkish originmeans special kind of turban called “Martagan”. In modern Turkish it is callingas “Sultan Zambağı”, “Türk Zambağı” and “İstanbul Zambağı”.

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Lilium Ciliatum

These semi-pendant flowers are a soft butter yellow with deep purple throats. Lilium ciliatum naturally grown in Bayburt, Trabzon, Bulancak, Giresun and Gümüşhane. With tall and upright stems holding the nodding flower stems, these species have high potential for use as or namental plants with their colorful big flowers.

Ciliatum’s stem reaches 30 – 150 cm tall. Leaves are densely scattered and lanceolate. Margins are silvery hairy. Flowers are yellow, with flattened turks cap shape, spotted in purple which becomes confluent in the throat. Filaments are green and anthers are yellow. Flowering time is between July 2nd and 24th. In Turkish it is called as “Tüylü Zambak” and“Kirpikli Zambak”.

Photo by Dr. Ori Fragman-Sapir (CC BY-SA 2.5) taken from Wikipedia

Lilium Akkusianum

Which is the most popular liliacea living in Turkey is Lilium Akkusianum, is endemic to Ordu province was discovered in 1993. It was discovered by two orchid specialists, Heinz Werner Zaiss of Marloffstein and Ernst Gügel.

Akkusianum grows to be 1.5 meters long. Blooms last 20 days long in the June. The bulb of Lilium Akkusianum has a circumference of 20 cm with a diameter of 6 cm, but it can be larger. The smooth, yellowish-green stem reaches between 80 and 150 cm tall. Carries between one and six flowers, but up to 12 or even more have been recorded. The flower buds have a shiny cream or greenish-yellow color. The base is greenish or rarely purplish. This lily takes its name from area where it was discovered, is Akkuş district so in Turkey it’s called as “Akkuş Zambağı” or “Mis Zambağı”.

Photo by Ernst Gügel (CC BY-SA 3.0) taken from Wikipedia.

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