Top Quality and Durable Cutting Lily

January 30, 2023

What are Plant Hardiness Zones?

Hardiness Zone is a geographic area that shows exactly which plants are best suited to thrive in a given area. USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location. It refers to the climatic conditions of the zone: Based on the coldest annual minimum temperatures in a region based on averages over a period of thirty years. This is a kind of heat map stated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). There are 13 zones on the scale, each zone divided as ranges which have 10 Fahrenheit degrees each other.Additionally, each zone has sub-zones broken down into “A” and “B” that are divided by 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

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An area is assigned to a zone by taking the lowest temperature recorded there in a given year. Our greenhouse, which is based in the Simav district of Kütahya, seemed as 7b on Hardiness Zone Scale. Zone 7b is appropriate for most of the lilies to grow. You can check the entire map for the looking at Hardiness Zones of Turkey via the first link, which will be mentioned at the end of the article.

Selecting plants suited to your climate will be a key success. Obviously, not every perennial, shrub, or tree grows in every climate.If you know your hardiness zone, you are able to choose an appropriate plant for your garden that can survive and thrive year-round in your area.

For Hardiness Zone 7 there are a lot of plants suitable for this zone. In Zone 7 coldest temperature is changing between -17.8 to -12.2.For some plants it’s hard to survive that harshness some of them it is okay. In the vegetable segment, there are sweet and hot peppers, arugula, long-growing season vegetables, and turnip are suitable to grow in Zone 7. If we go through fruits there are bing cherries, bananas, peaches, apples, apricots, and Ozark plums that are able to grow in this zone. Some herbs also surviving this zone are feverfew, marjoram, rue, sage, and tarragon. Some of the flowers are also growing in these zones by natural conditions and these are butterfly weed, candytuft, chrysanthemum, clematis, painted daisy, and peony.

Lily bulbs are able to grow in several zones which is differing from their origins. Asiatic origin bulbs can survive between zones4-9, Scented Asiatics grow between zones 6-10, Oriental-Trumpet Hybrids love whether between zones 6-9, Longiflorum-Oriental Hybrids prefer zones 7-10. As we mentioned before in our previous article named “What is Roselily? What makes them unique?” Roselilies are suitable to grow on USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 10.Zone 3 refers to -40 to -30 Fahrenheit Degrees (°F) which is equal to -40 to -34.44 Celsius Degrees (°C). Thanks to its hybridization these beautiful cultivars are stretching out zones. Roselily Mikeaela, Roselily Dalinda, Roselily Celina, Roselily Angela, and Roselily Aisha are Lilies&Co’s offers in our product range.

We, as a Lilies&Co, provide cut lilies all year long.Thanks to the geothermal heat flow in our greenhouse, we are able to provide cut lily at any time of the year. You can contact us via the contact us page.

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